Dan Thurmon, CSP, CPAE
World-class performer and motivational expert delivers serious content, along with a seriously entertaining experience.
Price range
- $22,000 - $25,000
- Life Balance
- Motivation
- Peak Performance
- Resilience
- Stress
- Success
- Time Management
- Advertising
- 31 Years
A teacher of peak performance, an author of impactful books and presentations, and a lifelong student of success, happiness, and achievement, Dan Thurmon is on a mission. To encourage attendees’ uniqueness and contributions. To discover a sense of purpose and greatness. To have meaning at work, and in their lives.
At an early age, Dan learned the power of performance, on stage and in the various parts of our life. When he was eleven years old, he encountered a mentor who taught him some amazing physical skills, but also gave him a channel for his bountiful energy. He quickly excelled as a variety artist, comedy entertainer, and entrepreneur. Even in his high school years, the connection between business awareness, high level service, and self-improvement became evident and fascinating.
Graduating with honors, his entertainment business paid for his business degree at the University of Georgia. He applied the lessons in sales, management, and marketing to his entrepreneurial ventures in real time.
Since that critical pivot of life and work, he has worked with organizations around the world, in every spectrum of business: Fortune 500 companies. Startups. Associations across hundreds of industries. Troops on the front lines. Students, teachers, and entrepreneurs. Through his presentations and workshops, Dan helps these organizations to accelerate improvement, facilitate true breakthroughs and enable and encourage greatness.
Inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame and a member of the illustrious Speakers Roundtable, Dan also served as President of the National Speakers Association, leading their CEO, staff and 3,500 world-wide members in a profound transformation.
Dan believes deeply that the right words, presented in the right way, at the right time, can change everything. His lifelong study of language and presentation skills have enabled a mastery of landing the critical idea that will shift an individual…or an organization. His opening presentations enable more productive and transformational meetings. Or as a closer, he provides a call to action that elevates the experience and the ROI of a meeting investment.
Organizational change happens when people make breakthroughs. Dan’s presentations help organizations to become more of who they strive to be. When that happens, people become better. Companies become better. And the world becomes better.
Video Clips
Positive CHAOS
We’re living in a time where “change” has become “CHAOS.” Events that seem unpredictable and out of our control can can environment of anxious overwhelming stress. Or, you can leverage today’s CHAOS into breakthroughs of understanding and exponential future results.
Dan will teach you the truth about CHAOS. You’ll gain insights and tools to transform your CHAOS from a negative state to a strategic advantage. Learn to see clear patterns in what now appears random, and take intentional action to shape them for your benefit!
– Understand and use the principles of Chaos Theory in order to take more confident action during uncertain times.
– Identify existing patterns within seemingly random or unpredictable events, or within consistent recurring similar situations and obstacles.
– Shape those patterns more intentionally to create dramatically better future results.
At the end of this presentation, attendees are more resourceful, confident, and comfortable in the midst of change, for themselves and those they lead.
A common challenge for organizations today is helping their employees bring more energy to work and not only embrace change but see it as an opportunity to lead.
Dan Thurmon believes the reason that people struggle with change is they think they have to compartmentalize their life and keep everything in balance. What if we lived Off Balance on Purpose? What if instead of resisting uncertainty, we leaned into it? And what if rather than bringing our “work-self” to the office, we brought 100% of who we are?
In this keynote, Dan excites his audience with an interactive performance while giving them a multi-dimensional view of success. He doesn’t stand Behind a podium and Talk about dealing with fear and change – he does handstands On the podium to Demonstrate what being uncomfortable and living off balance on purpose actually looks like. Your audience will talk about this presentation for years to come!
As a result of attending this program attendees will:
• Learn to take ACTION when it is uncomfortable.
• Manage energy and time more effectively.
• Adopt an Off Balance On Purpose approach as a realistic and empowering way to excel at work and life.WORKSHOP: OFF BALANCE ON PURPOSE IN PRACTICE
Your people are your organization. When individuals perform well, the organization does too. For organizations to truly thrive, especially with a millennial workforce, they need to provide hands-on opportunities for personal development and create a culture of personal performance.
“Change is hard. Motivation is only valuable if there is ACTION that creates change. That is why I created this workshop – to help you deliver real change for your teams.” Dan Thurmon
This workshop is interactive (each participant gets their own workbook), introspective and personal. After the course, participants will be equipped to better integrate all aspects of their life so each area is strengthened and fully developed. Participants will also take stock of what they should stop/start/continue and create an action plan for themselves.
Enhancing personal performance is the new corporate strategy. Adding this workshop to Dan’s keynote on the same day will reinforce and solidify this year’s goals for your organization.
3 people have recommended this speaker
“Your targeted, well-planned message with an entertaining spin landed the points our team needed to hear, and energized them!”
“Your unique delivery style enthralled the audience with amazing displays of acrobatics, whilst delivering your messages that were totally on point and extremely memorable.”
“Your ability to weave what you learned during our meetings and your trip with one of our consultants in the field really helped build up your credibility with our field staff.”